Forbidden Snacks Become Bidden

"Edible Substitutes for Inedible Treats"

kneaded eraser Kneaded erasers=Mamba fruit candy sticksmamba fruit candy sticksmodel magic air dry clayModel Magic Air Dry Clay=frozen whipped cream or stale marshmallowscool whipmakeup samples=Hawthorn flakessea glass/beach glssmemory foamMemory foam=Regent Japanese cheese cake snack cakesjapanese cheese cakepacking peanutspacking peanuts=unicorn twist marshmallowsunicorn twists marshmallowsPower cables=Twizzlersslow-rise bread squishyDense, slow-rise squishies=Publix brand mini cake donutspublix mini cake donutsChalk discs=Lorna Doone shortbread cookiesGlue sticks=daiya dairy free mozzarella sticks (this one tastes bad)[I don't have an image for this one]

The very fine snow that forms on top of frozen goods stored in the right conditions in a box freezer=RaceTrac Slushie (specifically Sprite flavor)

Styrofoam paper paper plate=Gerrit's Satellite Wafers

I don't have answers for these ones yet
