neocities the web is yourscinnamon approved!this is an anti-NFT sitevocaloid now! using my laptop to grill a cheesepokemonwebkinz world

You are Visitor #!

this decade's image:
holographic sticker of a cat walking across a piano
list of lists
Last updated:

8/31/24: we're over a year old now! time to polish up some of the pages.
7/21/24: added Nuzlocke comic archive!
2/20/24: new box for collage page link. also try clicking the Webkinz button up top.
12/7/23: redid the entire dang homepage
11/20/23: added a landing page
8/25/23: site's up

full devlog is here!

Currently working on:

Unique background for each List page. Also the page for my cat needs a fantastically cronch'd .jpg image of her on it somewhere.

yellow stars divider
aquarius sun/leo moon
Nuzlocke archive
the Nintendo Gameboy Advance SP in Periwinkle
Pin Board
click rad keroppi pin to go to the pinboard
also on
hella collages
thought bubble...
This website is certified nearly functional on the Nintendo 3DS Internet Browser!
summon nature's wonders
horse worm